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What type of burial would you prefer?

You love your family and taking care of them is your number one priority.

Our Guaranteed Whole Life Insurance can give you peace of mind. It’s simple and easy to apply for.

required but can be empty Guaranteed acceptance ages 45 – 85*
required but can be empty Coverage amounts: $2,000 – $25,000**
required but can be empty Benefits that are never reduced because of age or health
required but can be empty No medical exams or health questions to answer
required but can be empty Majority of claims paid in 24 hours***

Get Your Guaranteed Whole Life Insurance Quote

Coverage between $2,000 and $25,000.

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* indicates a required field

Enter a date between the ages of 45 to 85
Enter amount between $2,000 and $25,000
Exclusions and Limitations

During the first two years, if you die from natural causes (any cause other than accidental), your beneficiaries will receive all premiums paid, plus 10%. After two years, the full benefit is paid for death due to all causes. For accidental death - independent of sickness and all other causes – full benefits are paid from the first day our policy is issued. (All benefits will be paid less any outstanding policy loan.)

Have questions or want to complete your application over the phone, call 800-377-9000