Costs and Calculators

Learn about life insurance coverage and how much it can cost.

Life Insurance Calculators + Tools You Can Use

These easy-to-use life insurance calculators and tools can help answer questions about life insurance, retirement and saving options. Get started now!

What’s Behind the Cost of Whole Life Insurance? 

Curious about the cost of whole life insurance? Mutual of Omaha has the answers. Get a personalized quote and protect your family's financial future.

Guide to Getting Life Insurance at Each Stage of Life

Protect your loved ones with our life insurance for a lifetime of coverage. Get peace of mind knowing your family is taken care of.

What Does the Average Funeral Cost?

Understanding the average funeral cost is vital, given the rapid accumulation of expenses such as caskets, urns, burial plots, and memorial services.

How to calculate costs

How much does life insurance cost?

There are many online tools, resources and life insurance calculators you can use to figure out how much life insurance will cost based on your specific needs.

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

Find out how much life insurance you need and use our life insurance calculator to discover how much coverage is right for you.

Life Insurance Calculators + Tools You Can Use

These easy-to-use life insurance calculators and tools can help answer questions about life insurance, retirement and saving options. Get started now!

Funeral expenses

What Does the Average Funeral Cost?

Understanding the average funeral cost is vital, given the rapid accumulation of expenses such as caskets, urns, burial plots, and memorial services.

Two Documents You Should Have for End-of-Life Planning

By creating these end-of-life documents, you assure yourself that your end-of-life care will suit your wishes and values and provide protection for loved ones.

How to Get Life Insurance on a Parent

Are you taking care of your mother or father and want to help them prepare for the future? Find out more about how to get life insurance on a parent.

Finances and life insurance

My Employer Offers Health Benefits – What Gaps Might I Have?

You have health benefits through your employer, but are there gaps you need to fill? Here’s what you may need to supplement your employer health benefits.

Is Your Employer-Provided Life Insurance Enough?

Employer-provided life insurance is a great benefit. It can help protect your loved ones from financial burden in the event of your death. But is what your employer provides enough to give you piece of mind? Learn how to figure out if your coverage is enough, and what to do if it’s not.

Is Life Insurance Tax Deductible?

In most cases, life insurance is not tax deductible. However, there are exceptions in the case of alimony, charity-owned policies or business expenses.

By Category

all-categories icon All Categories
medicare icon Medicare
retirement-planning icon Retirement Planning
business-resources icon Business Resources
life-insurance icon Life Insurance
financial-planning icon Financial Planning
health-and-well-being icon Health & Well-Being
travel-and-living icon Travel & Living

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Learn about life insurance and how it can be an important part of your financial plan.