Simple Ways to Boost Your Vitamin D

Picture yourself sitting at a table having lunch with three friends. Did you know, statistically, at least one of you may have a vitamin D deficiency?1

While lacking a healthy level of vitamin D may not cause any obvious symptoms today, it can lead to significant health issues, especially as we age, according to Mutual of Omaha Chief Medical Officer Dr. Manoj Pawar.

“Vitamin D is essential to so many things, especially strong bones, teeth and muscles,” Pawar said. “People who are deficient in vitamin D may feel more fatigued and depressed and may be at greater risk of heart problems, diabetes and stroke.”

The risk may be even higher among darker-skinned individuals, who tend to be better protected from the effects of the sun.2

Most people with vitamin D deficiency don’t have any symptoms. However, some people may notice muscle or bone pain, or experience vague symptoms that could be signs of a number of different conditions2

Get outside to increase vitamin D

Our bodies produce vitamin D when skin is exposed to the sun, making it essential to get outside on sunny days as much as possible.  Of course, it’s always wise to wear sunscreen, but some physicians recommend leaving some skin exposed to sunlight for short periods of time to provide a healthy dose of vitamin D.2

Foods high in vitamin D

During winter months, when cold weather and shorter days limit our time outdoors, boosting vitamin D can be as simple as eating some common foods.

Fatty fish, such as salmon, trout, tuna and mackerel, are all great sources of vitamin D. Additionally, egg yolks, beef liver and fish liver are also high in this essential vitamin.

If those don’t fit your dietary preferences, you can also get vitamin D from supplements and enriched foods, including certain breakfast cereals, soy milk, almond milk, orange juice and oatmeal.4

How much vitamin D do you need?

The answer to that varies depending on your age and your specific medical history. But, in general, non-pregnant adults younger than age 74 should get 15 micrograms (600 international units) each day – due to potential risks, avoid additional vitamin D supplements that exceed this daily dose unless recommended by your physician.

Adults aged 75 years and older, on the other hand, may want to take a daily supplement to ensure they get 20 micrograms (800 international units) daily, as this has the potential to lower mortality risk.3

Maintaining a healthy level of vitamin D is essential to healthy living. All it takes is some simple changes to your diet and lifestyle to give your body a much-needed boost.






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