Reducing Plastic Use May Benefit Your Health and Finances

Whether you’re deeply rooted in protecting the environment or are just beginning to explore sustainable living, reducing the amount of plastic you use every day can lead to meaningful changes that benefit your health and wallet as well as the environment.

Why reduce the amount of plastic you use?

Health advantages of using less plastic

Going plastic free isn’t just good for the earth — it’s great for your health too. Plastics often leach harmful toxins into food and drinks and are in the air you breathe. By choosing natural, plastic-free alternatives, you reduce your exposure to these dangerous chemicals, paving the way for a healthier lifestyle.

Financial benefits of sustainability

While the initial investment in reusable products might be higher, the long-term savings are significant. Imagine never having to repurchase plastic bottles, bags or containers. Over time, the savings add up, making plastic-free choices is not only sustainable but also economically beneficial.

Environmental impact of reducing plastic

Plastics can take centuries to decompose, during which they pollute our oceans and landscapes, harming wildlife. By cutting back on your use of plastic, you contribute to reducing this waste and safeguarding our planet.

To get a close look at some of the common plastic items polluting the oceans and how some artists have transformed them into works of art that make an important statement, be sure to watch this video featuring The Washed Ashore Project.

How to take steps to limit plastic usage:

  • Assess your usage: Begin by identifying the plastic products you frequently use and replace them with sustainable alternatives. Items like metal straws, cloth napkins and glass containers are excellent places to start.
  • Shop wisely: Always carry your own bags and containers to stores. Opt for bulk purchases to minimize plastic packaging and select products with recyclable or minimal packaging.
  • Stay hydrated: Invest in a high-quality reusable water bottle to cut down on plastic waste and keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.
  • Advocate and inspire: Share your journey on social media to motivate others. Use hashtags, such as #PlasticFreePromise to engage with a global community and amplify the impact of collective action.

Embrace long-term sustainable practices

Transitioning to a plastic-free lifestyle is a journey of progress, not perfection. Begin with small, manageable steps and gradually integrate more sustainable practices into your routine. Remember, every effort counts towards a larger positive impact on your health, finances and the environment.

Recycling: A vital part of the sustainability cycle

For the plastic items you already own or might unavoidably acquire, remember that recycling plays a crucial role in sustainable living.

Proper sorting of recyclables is essential to avoid contamination and ensure that materials are effectively reused, reducing the demand for new raw materials.

Explore more ways to reduce plastic, live healthy

By reducing the plastic you use each day, you can begin to reap the health, financial and environmental benefits that come with sustainable living.

For more information, visit and to explore more about recycling and other initiatives to keep our planet beautiful.

For even more tips for living a healthier and happier life, check out our other many free planning and advice resources.