Be Ready for Retirement
There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to life insurance. Getting your life insurance plan right takes into account a number of factors.
Be Ready for Retirement
[video: An illustration of a pen with a check changes to a building that a social security card slides out of. An illustration then appears of a calendar with dollar signs on each day. ]
Paying for retirement. It’s different than it used to be. A company pension is not always available. And a Social Security check alone won’t cut it in today’s world. Today, it’s up to you to decide when and how you’ll retire. And how you’ll pay for it.
[video: An illustration appears of a document that says "cash value" which slides out into three boxes with "death benefit", "cash value", and "retirement savings" displaying.]
Cash value life insurance can help.
It provides a death benefit for your loved ones, if the unthinkable happens.
And it can be a good way to supplement your retirement savings.
[video: Illustrations appear of a plane, golf hole, and palm tree.]
In fact, when properly funded, your life insurance policy can help you make retirement one of the best times of your life. And, it’s as easy as one, two, three.
[video: Steps are shown. 1. Buy life insurance policy. 2. Cash value grows. 3. Begin taking distributions.]
You purchase a cash value life insurance policy.
The cash value in the policy accumulates tax deferred over time.
At retirement, you may be able to take distributions from your policy—as a tax-advantaged income stream.
[video: Illustrated silhouettes of a father, mother, and child appears. Then, three illustrated bills appear and then are stamped "PAID". These illustrated icons give way to a graduation cap, wheelchair, and set of tools. Next, a document with "retirement savings" and "cash value" appears.]
Life Insurance can help you take care of your family, no matter what the future brings. First and foremost, the death benefit can help replace income and pay the bills if you die unexpectedly. Second, if you need it, you can access the surrender value at any time, for any reason. Third, you can use the cash value in your policy for supplemental retirement income, when your working days are over.
[video: Finally, an illustration of a clipboard with a pen morphs in to a banner that says "happy retirement".]
With proper planning, you can help protect your family today and prepare for the retirement you want and deserve.
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