
Massachusetts’ Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) program became effective January 1, 2021. Employers can opt-out of the state program in favor of a private plan that is equal or better than the state program.

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Any employer with one or more employees working in the state of Massachusetts.

Self-employed and certain governmental agencies are excluded but can opt-in to the program.


Employees are eligible for PFML if they have earned at least $6,300 (adjusted annually) in wages during the last 4 completed calendar quarters and 30 times the PFML benefit amount. All W-2 workers, including full-time, part-time, and seasonal employees are covered.

1099 workers in Massachusetts are covered if they make up more than 50% of their employer’s workforce.

Terminated employees are also eligible for PFML benefits for claims beginning within 26 weeks of termination, as long as they remain unemployed. 

Benefits overview

Medical leave

  • Employee’s own serious health condition

Family leave

  • Bond with a new child after birth, adoption, or foster care placement
  • Care for a family member with a serious health condition
  • Military exigency related to a family member’s active military duty or call to duty
  • Care for an injured service member

20 weeks for medical leave

12 weeks for family leave

A combined maximum of 26 weeks in a benefit year

The portion of the Average Weekly Wage that is equal to or less than 50% of the State Average Weekly Wage is paid at a rate of 80%; and

The portion of the Average Weekly Wage that is more than 50% of the State Average Weekly Wage is paid at a rate of 50%

The maximum benefit is $1,170.64

There is a 7-day waiting period under Massachusetts PFML for all new claims

Leave can be taken continuously, intermittently, or on a reduced schedule

Leave under Massachusetts PFML is considered job protected leave

Additional information:  

Private Plans

Employers may opt out of the state program in favor of a private plan. Private plans are effective at the start of the quarter following approval by the state.

A private plan must:

  • Provide equal to or better benefits than those under the state plan
  • Cover all employees employed by the employer
  • Guarantee employee contributions are not greater than what the employee would pay under the state plan
  • Include no additional requirements or conditions than the state plan

Covered Family Members

Under Massachusetts PFML, employees may take family leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition. Covered relationships include:

  • Spouse or domestic partner

  • Child (biological, adopted, or foster)

  • Parent and spouse or domestic partner’s parents

  • Sibling

  • Grandparent

  • Grandchild

To learn more about Massachusetts’s paid leave program, visit the Department of Family and Medical Leave website.

English MA PFML Employee Poster Notice

Spanish MA PFML Employee Poster Notice