Forms & Resources
Forms & Resources
Plan Information
Summary of Benefits
The Summary of Benefits provides a summary of what the plan covers and what you pay.
The Multi-Language Insert is a document that contains information about free language interpreter services available to you.
Rx Essential Drug Formulary
Rx Premier Drug Formulary
Rx Plus Drug Formulary
Formulario de medicamentos Rx
Formulario de medicamentos Rx
Formulario de medicamentos Rx
The formulary is a list of prescription drugs that is approved for coverage under Mutual of Omaha Rx. Be sure to select the one that applies to your plan option and learn more about our formulary.
Please note: The formulary for each plan option may change at any time. You will receive notice when necessary.
Prior Authorization
Rx Essential Prior Authorization
Rx Premier Prior Authorization
Rx Plus Prior Authorization
We require you to get prior authorization for certain drugs. This means that your doctor will need to get approval from us before you fill your prescription. If they don’t get approval, we may not cover the drug. Use these documents to view the lists of drugs that have prior authorization and the rules that apply to each drug.
Step Therapy
Rx Essential Step Therapy
Rx Premier Step Therapy
Rx Plus Step Therapy
In some cases, we require you to try certain drugs first to treat your medical condition before we will cover another drug for that condition. For example, if Drug A and Drug B both treat your medical condition, we may not cover Drug B unless you try Drug A first. If Drug A does not work for you, we will then cover Drug B. Use these documents to view the lists of drugs that have step herapy requirements and the rules that apply to each drug.
Evidence of Coverage
The Evidence of Coverage provides details about the Mutual of Omaha Rx prescription drug plan. Note: If you were automatically enrolled in the plan by CMS, be sure to review the Evidence of Coverage Rider as well. See Chapter 7 for information about the grievance, coverage determination (including exceptions), and appeals processes.
This document explains what you can do to help us if you suspect Medicare Part D fraud, waste or abuse.
Once enrolled, if you would like to appoint a person to file a grievance, request a coverage determination, or request an appeal on your behalf, you and the person accepting the appointment must fill out this form (or a written equivalent) and submit it with the request.
For all coverage review requests other than formulary changes, this form should be used to initiate the coverage review process. You may also submit your coverage determination request by mail or fax.
This form should be used to initiate an appeal of a previously declined coverage review request. You can also submit a coverage redetermination request form by mail or fax.
This form can be used to request reimbursement, for a covered prescription or vaccine, that you purchased without using your Medicare Part D member ID card.
Filing a Grievance or Complaint
Payment Forms/Misc.
Plan Forms
Need Help?
Have questions about our PDP plans? Call one of our agents today.
If you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha Rx at 855-864-6797. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 800-716-3231.