Medicare Part D Rules and Guidelines

Medicare Part D Rules and Guidelines

Contract Renewal

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) must approve Mutual of Omaha Rx each year. A beneficiary can continue to get Medicare coverage as a member of our plan as long as we choose to continue to offer the plan and CMS renews its approval of the plan.

Contract Termination Notice

All Medicare prescription drug plans agree to stay in the program for a full year at a time. Each year, the plans decide whether to continue for another year. Even if a Medicare prescription drug plan leaves the program, you will not lose Medicare coverage. If a plan decides not to continue, it must send you a letter at least 60 days before your coverage will end. The letter will explain your options for Medicare prescription drug coverage in your area.

Contracting Statement

Mutual of Omaha Rx (PDP) is a prescription drug plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Mutual of Omaha Rx depends on contract renewal.

Eligibility Requirements

A Part D–eligible beneficiary is defined as:

  • Being entitled to Medicare benefits under Part A and/or enrolled in Part B
  • Having Part D eligibility in the CMS systems
  • Being a permanent resident in the geographic service area of the Part D plan
  • Being a U.S. citizen or lawfully present in the U.S.

Additional Enrollment Information

  • You may be enrolled in only one Medicare Part D plan at a time

Enrollment/Disenrollment Options

Initial Enrollment Period
When you reach age 65, you have a seven-month period to enroll in a Medicare Part D plan:

  • Three months before the month you turn 65
  • The month you turn 65
  • Three months after the month you turn 65

If you join during the three months before you turn 65, your coverage will start on the first day of your birthday month. If you join during or after your birthday month, your coverage will begin on the first day of the next month.

If you are under 65 and eligible for Medicare due to a disability, you can enroll in a Medicare Part D plan during the seven-month period that begins:

  • Three months before the 25th month of your disability
  • The 25th month of your disability
  • Three months after your 25th month of disability
  • During your Initial Enrollment Period when you turn 65

If you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha Rx at 855-864-6797. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 800-716-3231.

Annual Enrollment Period
The Annual Enrollment Period runs from October 15 through December 7 each year. In general, enrollment is allowed only during the Annual Enrollment Period unless you recently became eligible for Medicare or qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. If you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha Rx at 855-864-6797. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 800-716-3231.

Special Enrollment Period
A Special Enrollment Period is when a person, under certain circumstances, may enroll in, or disenroll from, a Medicare prescription drug plan at times other than during the Annual Enrollment Period. Examples of such circumstances may include receiving benefits from both Medicare and Medicaid; changing living situations (such as moving out of state or into a long-term care facility); losing creditable prescription drug coverage from an employer or other plan sponsor; or losing coverage because a plan no longer offers Medicare prescription drug coverage. If you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha Rx at 855-864-6797. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 800-716-3231.

Late Enrollment Penalty
The late enrollment penalty is 1 percent of the national average premium for every month you were without Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage or other creditable prescription drug coverage following your Initial Enrollment Period. Or, the penalty can be charged if you had a break in creditable prescription drug coverage for 63 or more consecutive days. Creditable prescription drug coverage (for example, from an employer or union) means that it is expected to pay, on average, as much as Medicare's standard prescription drug coverage. You will pay this late enrollment penalty for as long as you have Medicare Part D coverage.

Voluntary Disenrollment
Members may disenroll from a prescription drug plan during one of the election periods by following these guidelines:

  • You can end your membership during the Annual Enrollment Period. This is the time when you should review your health and drug coverage and make a decision about your coverage for the upcoming year
  • You can end your membership by enrolling in another plan
  • In certain situations, you can end your membership during a Special Enrollment Period

For more information about Voluntary Disenrollment, please contact Mutual of Omaha Rx at 855-864-6797. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 800-716-3231. Or contact Medicare at 800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227). TTY users, call 877-486-2048, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Required Involuntary Disenrollment
A prescription drug plan organization must end your membership in the plan if any of the following situations occur:

  • If you do not stay continuously enrolled in Medicare Part A or Part B (or both)
  • If you move out of our service area for more than 12 months
  • If you become incarcerated (go to prison)
  • If you are not a United States citizen or lawfully present in the United States
  • If you lie about or withhold information about other insurance you have that provides prescription drug coverage
  • If you intentionally give us incorrect information when you are enrolling in our plan and that information affects your eligibility for our plan (We cannot make you leave our plan for this reason unless we get permission from Medicare first.)
  • If you continuously behave in a way that is disruptive and makes it difficult for us to provide care for you and other members of our plan (We cannot make you leave our plan for this reason unless we get permission from Medicare first.)
  • If you let someone else use your membership card to get prescription drugs
  • If you do not pay the plan premiums for two consecutive calendar months
  • If you are required to pay the extra Part D amount because of your income and you do not pay it, Medicare will disenroll you from our plan, and you will lose prescription drug coverage

For more information about Involuntary Disenrollment, please contact Mutual of Omaha Rx at 855-864-6797. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 800-716-3231.

Exceptions, Appeals & Transition Process

If you would like to request a coverage determination (such as an exception to the rules or restrictions on our plan's coverage of a drug) or if you would like to make an appeal for us to reconsider a coverage decision, you may:

Initial Clinical Coverage Reviews
Use this contact information if you need a coverage decision for a medication that is not on the formulary.

Call toll free 844-374-7377, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. TTY users: call 800-716-3231.

Mutual of Omaha Rx
Attn: Medicare Reviews
P.O. Box 66571
St. Louis, MO 63166-6571

Administrative Coverage Reviews
Use this contact information if you need a coverage decision about a restriction on a specific medication, want to request a lower cost-sharing amount.

Call toll free 800-413-1328, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Central. TTY users: call 800-716-3231.

Mutual of Omaha Rx
Attn: Medicare Administrative Department
P.O. Box 66587
St. Louis, MO 63166-6587

Clinical and Administrative Appeals
Use this contact information if you need to file an appeal if your coverage review is denied.

Call toll free 844-374-7377, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. TTY users: call 800-716-3231.

Mutual of Omaha Rx
Attn: Medicare Appeals
P.O. Box 66588
St. Louis, MO 63166-6588

Initial Clinical Coverage Reviews
Use this contact information if you need a coverage decision for a medication that is not on the formulary.

Administrative Coverage Reviews
Use this contact information if you need a coverage decision about a restriction on a specific medication, want to request a lower cost-sharing amount.

Clinical and Administrative Appeals
Use this contact information if you need to file an appeal if your coverage review is denied.

Call toll free 844-374-7377, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. TTY users: call 800-716-3231.

Call toll free 800-413-1328, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Central. TTY users: call 800-716-3231.

Call toll free 844-374-7377, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. TTY users: call 800-716-3231.

Mutual of Omaha Rx
Attn: Medicare Reviews
P.O. Box 66571
St. Louis, MO 63166-6571

Mutual of Omaha Rx
Attn: Medicare Administrative Department
P.O. Box 66587
St. Louis, MO 63166-6587

Mutual of Omaha Rx
Attn: Medicare Appeals
P.O. Box 66588
St. Louis, MO 63166-6588

Download a Coverage Determination Request Form. Submit a Medicare Part D coverage determination request form online.

Coverage Redetermination Request Form
The request for Medicare Prescription Drug Denial Form should be used to initiate an appeal to a previously declined coverage review request. Once complete, the form should be faxed to us (without a cover sheet) at 877-251-5896. Submit a Medicare Part D coverage redetermination request form online.

If you would like to appoint a person to file a grievance, request a coverage determination or exception or make an appeal on your behalf, you and the person accepting the appointment must fill out an Appointment of Representative Form (or a written equivalent) and submit it with the request.

Mutual of Omaha Rx Transition Process
As a new or continuing member in our plan, you may be taking drugs that are not on our formulary. Or, you may be taking a drug that is on our formulary, but your ability to get it is limited. You should talk to your doctor to decide if you should switch to an appropriate drug that we cover or request a formulary exception so that we will cover the drug you take. For each of your drugs that is not on our formulary, or if your ability to get your drugs is limited, we will cover a temporary supply for a maximum 30 days at retail (unless you have a prescription written for fewer days) when you go to a network pharmacy within the first 90 days of the calendar year (or the first 90 days of your effective date if your coverage begins after the first of the year). After your first 30-day supply, we will not pay for these drugs. For additional information on our transition policy or if you are a resident of a long-term care facility, please refer to the plan's Medicare Part D Evidence of Coverage (10/01/2023).

Extra Help

You may be able to get Medicare Extra Help to pay for your prescription drug premiums and costs. To see if you qualify for getting Medicare Extra Help, call:

  • 1.800.MEDICARE (800-633-4227), 24 hours a day, seven days a week. TTY users, call 877-486-2048
  • The Social Security Office at 800-772-1213 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. TTY users, call 800-325-0778
  • Your State Medicaid Office

If you get Extra Help from Medicare to help pay for your Medicare prescription drug plan costs, your monthly plan premium will be lower than what it would be if you did not get Extra Help from Medicare. However, it does not include any Medicare Part B premium you may have to pay.

Please note: If you have received assistance with your prescription drug costs from a charity and receive a refund, you should work directly with the charity to refund its portion.


Brand-Name & Generic Drugs
Mutual of Omaha Rx covers both brand-name drugs and generic drugs. Generic drugs have the same active ingredient formula as a brand-name drug. Generic drugs usually cost less than brand-name drugs. FDA-approved generic drugs are rated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be as safe and effective as brand-name drugs.

Our Formularies
The Mutual of Omaha Rx formulary includes brand and generic drugs most commonly prescribed for seniors. Learn more about covered drugs.

60-Day Notice for Formulary Changes
We may periodically add or remove a drug, make changes to coverage rules on certain drugs, or change how much you pay for a drug. If we make any formulary change that limits your ability to fill prescriptions, we will notify you at least 60 days before the change is made. Note that if the FDA finds that a drug on the formulary is unsafe or if the drug's manufacturer removes the drug from the market, we immediately remove the drug from our formulary and then notify you of the change.

Certain drugs may be covered under Medicare Part B or Part D depending upon the circumstances. Information may need to be submitted describing the use and setting of the drug to make the determination.

How to Request Dispute History

You may request information about the total number of grievances, appeals, and exceptions that have been filed with Mutual of Omaha Rx, as well as about the outcomes of these disputes. If you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha Rx at 855-864-6797. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 800-716-3231.

Medication Therapy Management Program

If you’re in a Medicare drug plan and you have complex health needs, you may be able to participate in a Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program. The MTM program is required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and is not considered a benefit. This program helps you and your doctor make sure that your medications are working. It also helps us identify and reduce possible medication problems.

To take part in this program, you must meet certain criteria set forth in part by CMS. These criteria are used to identify people who have multiple chronic diseases and are at risk for medication-related problems. If you meet these criteria, we will send you a letter inviting you to participate in the program and information about the program, including how to access the program. Your enrollment in MTM is voluntary and does not affect Medicare coverage for drugs covered under Medicare.

To qualify for the Mutual of Omaha Rx MTM program, you must meet ALL the following criteria:

  1. Have at least 3 of the following conditions or diseases:
    • Chronic Heart Failure (CHF)
    • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
    • Diabetes
    • High cholesterol (also called dyslipidemia)
    • High blood pressure (also called hypertension)
    • Depression
  2. Take at least 8 covered Part D medications, AND
  3. Are likely to have medication costs of covered Part D medications greater than $5,330 per year.


Are an at-risk beneficiary (ARB) with an active coverage limitation under Mutual of Omaha’s Rx Drug Management Program (DMP).

To help reduce the risk of possible medication problems, the MTM program offers two types of clinical review of your medications:

  • Targeted medication review: at least quarterly, we will review all your prescription medications and contact you, your caregiver, and/or your doctor if we detect a potential problem.
  • Comprehensive medication review: at least once per year, we offer a free discussion and review of all of your medications by a pharmacist to help you use your medications safely. This review, or CMR, is provided to you confidentially via telephone by a pharmacist. These services are provided on behalf of the Mutual of Omaha Rx. This review requires about 30 minutes of your time. Following the review, you will get a written summary of this call, which you can take with you when you talk with your doctors. This summary includes:
    • Recommended To-Do List (TDL): also known as a Medication Action Plan (MAP), has steps you should take to help you get the best results from your medications.
    • Personal Medication List (PML): The medication list will help you keep track of your medications and how to use them the right way.

    Medication Adherence Program

    Mutual of Omaha Rx places a high priority on helping our members stay healthy and feel their best. To help us with this important task, we have enlisted the professional knowledge and personalized service from the trusted healthcare team at AdhereHealth. The Medication Adherence Program is an important way we make sure that medical conditions are under control by managing medications. This program is offered at no cost to our members.

    An AdhereHealth team member may contact you by phone and can help you with questions about drug interactions, side effects, dosages, costs and more. Our relationship with AdhereHealth is just one of the many ways that we work to promote your well-being by providing an efficient, reliable, member-focused experience.

    What is Medication Adherence and who qualifies?
    Adherence to medications describes how often a person takes every dose of a medication when it is due. A medication cannot work completely when doses are missed, because it is not in the body around the clock. For certain conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, it is very important to take medications exactly as prescribed. When you take each dose on time, the medication is fully able to reduce the risk of serious problems that can occur. For example, a blood pressure medication provides the most protection from a heart attack or stroke when you take it on time, month after month, year after year.

    There are many reasons why someone may not be able to take every dose when it is due. AdhereHealth can help solve many of these issues in a single phone call. Throughout the year, they will monitor for possible issues with getting refills on time. If they notice a gap, they may reach out to you with a friendly reminder to refill the medication, so you don’t miss doses, and to offer help, if needed.

    If you have a qualifying condition (diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol) and are taking certain medications, no action is required by you. AdhereHealth may reach out to help you stay healthy. If you have problems refilling your medications before you hear from AdhereHealth, please reach out to your local dispensing pharmacy or home delivery pharmacy for assistance.

    If you would like to opt out of this program, notify AdhereHealth at the time you receive their phone call.


    If you have a Medigap (Medicare Supplement Insurance) policy that includes prescription drug coverage, you must contact your Medigap issuer to let them know that you have enrolled in a Medicare prescription drug plan. If you decide to keep your current Medigap policy, your Medigap issuer will remove the prescription drug coverage portion of your policy and lower your premium. Call your Medigap issuer for details.

    Part D Quality Assurance & Utilization Management

    Utilization Management
    For certain prescription drugs, we have additional requirements for coverage or limits on our coverage. These requirements and limits ensure that our members use these drugs in the most effective way and also help us control drug plan costs. A team of doctors and pharmacists developed the following requirements and limits for our plans to help us provide quality coverage to our members:

    • Prior authorization: We require you to get prior authorization for certain drugs. This means that your doctor will need to get approval from us before you fill your prescription. If they don’t get approval, we may not cover the drug.
    • Step Therapy: In some cases, we require you to try certain drugs first to treat your medical condition before we will cover another drug for that condition. For example, if Drug A and Drug B both treat your medical condition, we may not cover Drug B unless you try Drug A first. If Drug A does not work for you, we will then cover Drug B.
    • Quantity Limits: For certain drugs, we limit the amount of the drug that we will cover per prescription or for a defined period of time.
    • Generic Substitution: When there is a generic version of a brand-name drug available, out network pharmacies will automatically give you the generic version unless your doctor has told us that you must take the brand-named drug.

    You can find out if the drug you take is subject to these additional requirements or limits by looking in the Drug Formulary. If your drug is subject to one of these additional restrictions or limits, and your physician determines that you are not able to meet the additional restrictions or limits for medical necessity reasons, you or your physician can request an exception (which is a type of coverage determination).

    Drug Utilization Review
    We conduct drug utilization reviews for all our members to make sure that they are receiving safe and appropriate care. These reviews are especially important for members who have more than one doctor who prescribe their medications. We conduct drug utilization reviews each time you fill a prescription and on a regular basis by reviewing our records. During these reviews, we look for medication problems such as:

    • Possible medication errors
    • Duplicate drugs that are unnecessary because you are taking another drug to treat the same medical condition
    • Drugs that are not safe or appropriate because of your age or gender
    • Possible harmful interactions between drugs you are taking at the same time
    • Drug allergies

    If we identify a medication problem during our drug utilization review, we will work with your doctor to correct the problem.

    Pharmacy Access

    Pharmacy Network
    As a Mutual of Omaha Rx member, you have access to over 64,000 network pharmacies nationally, including convenient home delivery service through Express Scripts Pharmacy.℠

    Out-of-Network Coverage
    In most cases, your prescriptions are covered under this plan only if they are filled at a retail network pharmacy or through our home delivery pharmacy. Covered Medicare Part D drugs are available at out-of-network pharmacies under certain circumstances, such as illness while traveling outside the plan's service area where there is no retail network pharmacy. You may incur an additional cost for prescriptions filled at an out-of-network pharmacy. Please note that the pharmacies in our network now may change. For the most up-to-date information, or if you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha Rx at 855-864-6797. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 800-716-3231.

    Pharmacy Access & Participation
    This plan has contracts with pharmacies that equal or exceed CMS requirements for pharmacy access in your area. In most cases, your prescriptions are covered under this plan only if they are filled at a retail network pharmacy or through our home delivery pharmacy. We will fill prescriptions at out-of-network pharmacies under certain circumstances. Quantity limitations and restrictions may apply.

    Long-term care and home infusion pharmacies may service a broad area. Therefore, you may need to look outside your immediate area for these types of providers.

    Pharmacy List
    To get current information about Mutual of Omaha Rx pharmacies in your area, please contact Mutual of Omaha Rx at 855-864-6797. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 800-716-3231. Inclusion in this list does not guarantee that a pharmacy continues to participate in our plan.

    Plan Ratings

    The Medicare program rates how well plans perform in different categories (for example, detecting and preventing illness, ratings from patients, and customer service). You may use the web tools on and select "Find health & drug plans" to compare the plan ratings for Medicare plans in your area. Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. Star Ratings are calculated each year and may change from one year to the next.


    This website is designed to provide access to online information regarding the Mutual of Omaha Rx Part D product offering. In connection with providing this information, there are times when we will ask for, or collect, personal information from you. As part of our commitment to honor your privacy, this policy will explain the approach we take in protecting and using the information that we gather from you on this website. For your ease and convenience, we make this notice available on every page of the website, identified as "Privacy," with a link to this notice.

    Service Area

    The service area for the Plus and Premier Mutual of Omaha Rx plans include 49 states (excluding New York) and includes the District of Columbia. The Plus and Premier plans ARE NOT available in Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands.

    Medicare Complaints & Grievances

    • If you would like to make a complaint, or for process or status questions regarding a complaint related to issues such as quality of care, waiting time, or the Customer Service you receive, you may contact Mutual of Omaha Rx at 855-864-6797. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 800-716-3231.


    • You may write to us and send by mail to:
      Mutual of Omaha Rx
      Attn: Grievance Resolution Team
      P.O. Box 3610
      Dublin, OH 43016-0307


    • You may also fax your complaint to 877-832-5749

    If you need assistance or more information on filing a complaint, please call Customer Service toll free at the number listed above.

    If you would like to submit feedback about your Medicare Part D prescription drug plan directly to Medicare, please complete their online form:

    You may also contact them by phone at 1.800.MEDICARE (800-633-4227), 24 hours a day, seven days a week. TTY users, call 877-486-2048.

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If you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha Rx at 855-864-6797. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 800-716-3231.


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